
Sheety should "just work", but there can be a few gotchas. If you're still having problems after reading this, give us a message.

I get "insufficient permission" when adding a new project

This can be caused either by:

1. Not being the "Owner" or "Editor" of the sheet.

2. Not checking the "See, edit, create and delete all your Google Sheets" when creating your account. If you missed this step, you'll need to login to Google Security, revoke access to Sheety, and sign in again.

When I try to create a new project I get "invalid_grant"

This error happens because Google has blocked access to Sheety from your account. This can happen for a number of different reasons. To allow access again you'll need to sign out of Sheety, manually remove Sheety from your Google account, and sign back into Sheety. See steps below on how to remove Sheety from your Google account:

  1. Go to your Google Account
  2. On the left navigation panel, select Security.
  3. On the Third-party apps with account access panel, select Manage third-party access.
  4. Select Sheety.
  5. Select Remove Access.

If the issue persists, please contact support.

I get access denied when creating a new project

The most common cause of this problem is if you try to add a Google Sheet that your Google account doesn't have access to. This can happen if you've signed into Google Sheets with a different account than the one registered with Sheety. Either share the sheet with that account, or register the other account with Sheety.

I'm unable to add a row to my spreadsheet

Sheety expects POST requests to contain a JSON object. The object needs to be nested in a root property named after your sheet. The second common problem is if you don't set the "Content-Type" header to "application/json". Take a look at the docs for full examples.

Cells with dates have a single ` quote mark appended

Dates are a little bit weird in Google sheets. If you've formatted your column as a date it's actually a number, not a string (in something called serial number format). If you don't want to calculate the serial number format yourself and instead want to submit a date string (as you would in the Google Sheets UI), you can append '?valueInputOption=user_entered' to the POST URL. This will then treat the date as if you typed it into the Google Sheets UI.

Should I still be using

The URL is now deprecated, and you should replace it with The v2 API will still continue to work for the foreseeable future, though it's recommended to update your projects where possible.